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Award winners
The following images have been awarded Medals or Commended in National and International Salons of Photography.
Associate of the Welsh Photographic Federation
Distinction awarded in November 2023 - see the individual images here.
Images accepted in National and International Salons since 2019
EFiap Bronze and BPE4*
New images accepted in National and International Exhibitions from 2017-19.
Portfolio awarded the Distinction of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain in November 2018
Portfolio awarded the Credit of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain in April 2016
Towards EFIAP and BPE3*
Images accepted in National and International Exhibitions after end Oct 2015, up to the awarding of my EFIAP in June 2017.
AFIAP and BPE1* Portfolio 2014/15
These are the images that have been selected for National and International Salons of Photography in 2014/15, between them gaining enough acceptances to allow me to apply for my first British Photographic Exhibitions Crown Award (BPE1*) and the distinction of Artiste de la Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique - Artist of the International Federation of Photographic Art (AFIAP). They are also enough to gain the 2 Crown Distinction from the Global Photographic Union (GPU-CR2).
These are images that I submited to the Royal Photographic Society for the Licentiate Distinction, and which were granted the award on 11th June 2015.